This article is in regard to the reactions made by Donald Trump and the football community for the silent protest that many football players partook when kneeling during the national anthem. Teams are being given financial penalties for these actions, new policies were made so that those who are silently protesting in regards to police violence can do so in their locker rooms during the time that the national anthem is being performed. Although changes had been made to the NFL’s policies, President Donald Trump made a statement that these acts of protests are unpatriotic to our nation and that those who do not stand for the flag should not be apart of this nation. From here we begin to notice a drop in views for football games and many who are speaking out for the players to protect their constitutional right to use the field as an are of protest and letting the world know of the wrongs that should not be ignored.
These Professional football players are merely stating the issue at hand which was accepting the fact that police violence is a problem in today's society and that many should start recognizing how out of had the issue had gone to. The only way to do so seemed to be by having people higher status, that many acknowledged, use their platform to express their thoughts on these unjustified actions towards minorities ( which is in a way a bit irritating to know that issues must go to certain lengths to be recognized). They were merely practicing their constitutional right to protest, but, it now seems as making statement such as these are considered unpatriotic to the country. I feel that this topic relates to me because I too (being a citizen of the United States) have the constitutional right to protest, and that anything that i decide to protest against is done to make aware of the wrongs that should be changed for the better. And to say that carrying out this constitutional right is unpatriotic and that I should live somewhere else is something very immature of a representative to say especially if they are representing a nation. We, as the newer generation, are trying to take into account what changes need to be made so that the united states can be a place where many are able to feel safe and not be scared of being killed for being a minority. This topic is in relation to the course because our President’s comment seems to attack the constitutional right that people have to protest for what they believe is wrong/ should be changed. To have a representative that disregards the issues being presented worries me because the thoughts that he expresses i feel can negatively affect how a person’s right to protest would be seen by many and can hurt someone practicing their rights.
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